
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Suicide or Martyrdom Operations

Omar K Neusser

It has been held by some Muslims – and there was a difference of opinion in the Muslim ummah – that it would be allowed to using the above option in the case where 'no other ways for defense are left for the Muslims' [7], as in occupied Palestine; but as is shown not least in the fatwa by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti [14] these actions are not sanctioned by the LawShari`ah, and therefore Haram. In consequence, those suicide or 'martyrdom' - operations do not fulfill any good purpose in this life or the Next; except for bringing grave sins to the perpetuators, destroying the name of Islam and lending the enemies of Islam more pretexts. It has been held by some Muslims – and there was a difference of opinion in the Muslim ummah – that it would be allowed to using the above option in the case where 'no other ways for defense are left for the Muslims' [7], as in occupied Palestine; but as is shown not least in the fatwa by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti [14] these actions are not sanctioned by the Law Shari`ah, and therefore Haram. In consequence, those suicide or 'martyrdom' - operations do not fulfill any good purpose in this life or the Next; except for bringing grave sins to the perpetuators, destroying the name of Islam and lending the enemies of Islam more pretexts.

To kill oneself is in any case, both in times of peace or in war in the course of battle, clearly and without any ambiguity forbidden just as suicide is forbidden haram. And it is still forbidden even if some try to circumvent the principle [11]: no matter what state of mind one has or reason, when engaging in this evil practice: it is haram. 
Were it not haram, it would at least be a doubtful course of action, which - according to the Shari`ah - the Muslim has to avoid, to steer away from. [3]
Another matter altogether is to be killed in the course of (engaging in military) action, while knowing that death can be the possible or probable outcome, which is completely different from turning oneself into a 'human bomb'(!) and even entering civilian, non-military areas - may God forbid! - in order to make oneself burst off in an explosion. [18]
In the first case the intention is to fight the enemy while risking capture, damage or death, in the second it is to fight the enemy while killing oneself. 

Omar K Neusser founded the website

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